Szent Bertalan-Templom Kincstára, Gyöngyös Faith, Art, Craft
  • Könyv 2
  • Könyv 1
  • Templom 2
  • Kereszt
  • Templom
  • Piéta
  • Palást
  • Úrmutató
  • Szent Bertalan Templom

The Treasury

Dr.Ternyák Csaba egri érsek



Christianity is the most common religion in Hungary; it is a significant cultural factor as well. The question of Pope Benedict the XVI makes everybody to ponder what should remain in Europe if everything created by Christianity would be removed. Gothic churches, museums and artistic items inspired by Christianity are among the most attractive values of the continent. We also can raise the question: what should remain in our cities and villages without our churches and cultural values of the church? Consequently, we must be engaged in preserving old cultural identities of our settlements.

Catholic people of Gyöngyös should be thankful to the Divine Dispensator for preserving such a high number of their historical treasures. Several situations loved by out predecessors are still maintained. Needless to say, the church established by King St. Stephen has never been interrupted, including the period of Ottoman occupation. This achievement is the result of goodwill of Franciscan priest, efforts of Jesuit churchmen and the generosity of the four Archbishops born in Gyöngyös.

Thanks to the people of Gyöngyös! They preserve and maintain their Christian commitment not only in their customs, families, churches and schools, but also in their support of excellent initiatives like the exhibition of this liturgical collection. I wish that the creators of and visitors to the Treasury of the Church of St. Bartholomew should preserve and spread Christian values generated by the attention of exhibited treasures.

Eger, 11 June 2014.

Dr. Csaba Ternyák, Archbishop of Eger


Click on the image to find out more about the history of the exhibition.



Treasury of
St. Bartholomew

3200 Gyöngyös,
Szent Bertalan u. 3. Hungary

Telefon: +36 (37) 500-446



Opening hours:

  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday-Saturday: 10-17
  • Sunday: 15-17 (registration required